Questions for Roy Johnson of Green Mountain Audio


Could you please answer a few questions for me regarding your continuum 3 loudspeakers? Your previous posts on Audiogon have been supremely enightening. Here goes:

1) The way you implement the tweeter and midrange in the cast marble enclosure appear to be quite unique, yet to the lay eye, there seems to be nothing unique about the bass enslosure. Just looks like your basic ported box, but looks can be deceiving right? What are you doing with the bass enclosure that makes it different?

2) Can you post or e-mail frequency response and impulse response graphs? Of course, they wouldnt be used to judge how they sound, that assessment is made by listening.

3) If you use a sub with the Continuum 3's, can the setup still be time and phase coherant?

4) Within the small group of time coherant speaker manufacturers, are some more time coherant than others?

5) Finally, when will your site be complete?

Why not call him? He is very accessible and likes to talk turkey. As busy as he is right now with all of his new speaker designs, it might be awhile before he becomes aware of this thread.


Yes, why would you ask those question here and in the form of a new topic? I smell a rat!
Wow, you smell a rat? Must be your.............oh forget it!
I was asking these questions on the 'Gon because other potential customers may benefit from seeing his responses. Also, it is nice to have information from manufacturers to look back on. Stop being so cynical Drubin and go enjoy some music.