Help Low Freq. From Totems? Is it there?

Have not heard anything but the smallest floor standers.

How is the base in the middle of the line floor standers. Is it there?

I am always weary of small 2 way floor standers.


Dr. Ken
I brought home a pair of Forests over the summer to compare to my now departed VR2s. In the dealer showroom the Forest had plenty of bass and slam, but couldn't compete with the von schweikerts in my rather large (26X16) room. And the uppper midbass and midrange was not as full and fleshed out as the VR2s. I can see where the Totem would work pretty well in a medium sized room and I love the way they disappear, but they just weren't enough for my room.

Upstateaudio - thanks, I have had my eye on the totem subs - precisely because I expect they will integrate best with the Sttafs. was hoping to find one second hand to save a few bucks.
I'm also thinking about the REL Strata III. Any opinions on how that would work with the Totems?
Dr. Ken- I think you may give up a little bass with the totems. But focus on what you are gaining....wonderful, listenable, musical speakers. Buy a sub to give the movies rumble- but don't use it for music- the totems are good on their own.