Small speakers for a small room

Currently I use Linn Kan (type 4) speakers with an LFD Mistral amp.
At that time I couldn't afford the Linn Tukan speaker wich was my first choice.
My 3 options for an upgrade:
Linn Katan, Spendor S3/5se and the PMC DB1+.
I listen mainly to classical and jazz in a small room.
I like my Kans but something is telling me there is better.


The Paradigm is to expensive and not known in Belgium, Totem could be an option.
I like low level listening.
Neat Petites
AVI Neutrons
Linn Katan or Tukan
All three of these are excellent small room, low level monitors.
I really loved the sound out of the Katans, powered by a Linn integrated amp. I would say they are very strong at this price point.

JM Reynaud Trentes. Work well in small rooms, great with jazz and classical. A bit on the warm side.
ProAc tablette REF 8 are very fine speakers for smaller rooms. Retail around $1200 and have occasionally been seen on Audiogon for around $800. Even better the REF 8 Signature but difficult to find used.