Best $4000-$5000 loudspeaker

- Price range from $4000 to $5000, new or used.
- Room average size.
- Average efficiency (or good, of course).
- -3dB at 40Hz or better bass extension.
- Capable to be enjoyable at low listening levels.

Opinions are welcome. I have not introduced higher constraints, so that opinions suit other enthusiasts.
Regards and thanks.
I would listen to a pair of used Verity Audio Fidelios. They excell at low level listeneing, but can play loud if need be!
There is a pair of totem Shamans for just under 5k right now. They are great and retail for 11k.
The Decware HTD Towers will put most of the other mentioned speakers to shame.

Sorry they are only $ 1,695.00. The sound compairs to many speakers costing 10 times their price.