Logitech Squeezebox Touch DAC: How Good?

Logitech Squeezebox Touch's are allegedly raining out of UPS trucks into the arms of new owners, as we speak.... or as you read this ;-)

NOW, advance word is that the analog out is a huge step up from it's predessor. It's alleged to have quite a good DAC.

How good?

Those of you with some experience on this matter - please speak up! It is stomping your Berkeley DAC? Empirical? Weiss? Peachtree? Cambridge? Devilsound?

(Is it listenable?!)

The world wants to know!

Hello All,
I am seeking some technical advise from you all that How to connect (wire less) the SB Touch to DAC? I do agree the touch has DAC still I need to us my external DAC. Please Suggest. Also the possiblity to go with wire less connection between from Laptop/External HardDrivd to SB Touch? My Setup is planned....
External Hard drive>Laptop>SB Touch>DAC>Stereo System and speakers.

SmHoll, I've been using the Bryston BDA-1 DAC that I borrowed from Dan.

BTW, yesterday evening we have a major shootout with me, Dan and Brent:
- SB Touch analog outs (Mac server)
- SB Touch digital out to Bryston BDA-1 (Mac server)
- Cary 308T cdp player with tube output stage
- MacBook Pro USB output to Bryston BDA-1 USB input
- MacBook Pro USB to Empirical anti-jitter device to Bryston BDA-1 digital input

Results of the first three were similar to my earlier brief testing. The Touch analog out is very, very satisfying, but the Bryston and Cary are better at isolating images in space, and better at bass control. The Cary seems a touch more "human" (presumably due to the tubes).

Bottom line is that I do NOT feel compelled to get a DAC for the Touch even though this is my high end audio system! And, I don't feel that getting a DAC would be a waste so I might do that in coming months.

Caveat: interconnects are RCA Cardas Golden Reference, which, as many of you know, have a nice musical touch of their own.

BTW, much of the testing was done blind. As in, blindfolded!


Mac to Bryston USB input sounded distorted!
Mac to Empircal anti-jitter device to Bryston digital input was fantastic.

Finally, today I called Squeezebox support and they are well aware of the two problems I along with others been having:
- USB drives directly connected to the Touch. They are working on this and are hopeful that it will be a software fix.
- Player on the Mac working intermittently (I find the server works great, rock solid, but player often can't find the Touch to control it.)

Overall happy camper.
BTW, yesterday evening we have a major shootout with me, Dan and Brent:
- SB Touch analog outs (Mac server)
- SB Touch digital out to Bryston BDA-1 (Mac server)
- Cary 308T cdp player with tube output stage
- MacBook Pro USB output to Bryston BDA-1 USB input
- MacBook Pro USB to Empirical anti-jitter device to Bryston BDA-1 digital input

Art, in these listening tests how did the Touch digital out compare to the stock 308T and MacBook->Empirical->BDA-1?
On first listen is is hard to find any differences at all! After a few minutes though, it becomes clear that the Touch is very enjoyable, and does not have any serious flaws that make it harsh or uninviting but compare to 308T and Bryston/Empirical, it has (a) somewhat looser bass and (b) flatter presentation. Both the 308T and the Empirical-Bryston would place a singer or instrument more clearly in space horizontally and vertically and have a bit more depth of field. Also they had a bit better bass control. The 308T seemed extremely similar to the Empirical Bryston at first but over time there was a lifelike quality, very subtle, that tubes often have over solid state.

I suspect that playing the Touch without direct A/B to other sources I'll end up just enjoying it.

BTW, I forgot to mention that we also tested my Devilsound briefly. In a high end setup it sounds very vague and ill-defined compared to the others, and it is particularly less detailed and refinced than the Touch. However it does haver its own cabling and so does not benefit from the Cardas Golden Ref. I will continue to use the Devilsound in my home office.
