Hales Design Group Speakers...Removing the Grills

I am looking for instructions on removing the grills from Hales Design Group speakers without trashing the material. I'd also like to be able to put them back on :). I found some instructions suggesting that you lay them on their back with some books to space the binding posts off the ground...any more technique than that and pulling/prying? How are they actually held on?
Well, a few disappointing things. First, I couldn't figure out where I stored the spikes, and that is just irritating. Second, no matter how I tried to work the cloth, it just wouldn't budge. The one place I tried to "force" it, it just stretched the cloth and made a tiny little tearing sound. I'm starting to wonder if I'm supposed to just cut the cloth off and be done with it.
A friend had a chance to install windows curtain pointed it out to me that the speaker's sock using same mechanism. Take it off is easy as some people already said, in order to put it back as easy and without damaging the speaker, you need a special tool, I don't know what it's call, but it looks like a plastic wheel on a stick, just rolling while pushing would do it perfectly fine.
Hello Conduit. I'll fax you the instructions for the grill cloth removal/re-intallation procedure for the Revelation Series from the Hales owner's manual if you want. The procedure is pretty much exactly as stated above by Arch2. The rubbery cord sewn into the nylon grillcloth material may need some coaxing to to get it to pull out of the groove that holds it in place. The Hales manual suggests starting at the bottom for removal so if you damage the material a bit it won't show as much once the speaker is upright. Note the orientation of the cloth top/bottom so you are sure to re-install it the same way it came from the factory. You can use a credit card or similar object to push the cord back into the groove around the baffle when re-installing the grillcloth.

The most difficult part of re-installation is to avoid excess material "bunching up" at the corners. That's why Hales suggests starting from the top down when re-installing the grill so a little crumply material won't show as much if that happens. Drop me a line if you need the actual Hales instructions. Cheers!