Logitech Squeezebox Touch DAC: How Good?

Logitech Squeezebox Touch's are allegedly raining out of UPS trucks into the arms of new owners, as we speak.... or as you read this ;-)

NOW, advance word is that the analog out is a huge step up from it's predessor. It's alleged to have quite a good DAC.

How good?

Those of you with some experience on this matter - please speak up! It is stomping your Berkeley DAC? Empirical? Weiss? Peachtree? Cambridge? Devilsound?

(Is it listenable?!)

The world wants to know!

Been using the touch through analogue outs for about 3 months now. It is surprisingly good, and improved markedly over the first 100-150 hrs. Also, I will be bipassing the output caps as John Swenson has recommended here


which will improve it significantly, and do the relavant Soundcheck's software mods listed here:


I am not expecting to guy a dac for it as I think when the mods are done I shall find the internal dac sufficient