Dahlquist DQ20's vs. Vandersteen 2CE

Hey guys, Question: I'm thinking of trying a different set of speakers, now enjoying the DQ20's I would like a wee more lower bass response, mids and highs are awesome no complaint. Eventually I'd like to find a nice set of Von Scheikert's jr.'s I guess what I'm trying to ask is, will the Vandies get me to where I want to be, or should I hold out until I can find a pair of Von jr's I can afford ?

McIntosh 2500 amp
McIntosh C 34 pre
McIntosh MR78 turner
Musical Fidelity
pre 24 CD
Harmonic Tech. speaker cables
Zu and Alissa tweaks IC's
Maple audio power cord ect.ect.

Room: 22'X 22'X 7.5'

Any input greatly appreciated,

Merry Christmas to all ...
Ron ..
Mike, very good suggestion, I have DQ-30I's.
I talked a friend into getting the Alon V's, since they were a little easier to find at quite reasonable prices.
I find all the speakers in metion above including Avalon Ascent Mk.2's (yes pricier) are very open sounding, extremely musical, without any major downfalls.
Another speaker I like (but can't find) with similar attributes are Metaphors.
i found the Alons very pale in comparision to the DQs, expecting them to be similar due to the creator but perhaps improved because of more updated materials, in the end the DQs proved irreplacable. the Alons put out a sound that comes from an exact point, unlike the DQs, that put out a very wide image.
For greater low end, if you really like the DQ-20 (as I do), add a REL sub. They are so tailor-able, they will mate with just about any good speaker. I spent upwards of 40 hours with a tone disk and a sound level meter to get totally seamless bass. It is a lot of effort, but with the combinations of adjustments in the REL, that is what it takes to get a flat room / gentle roll-off.