Kharma Midi Ceremique or Wilson Maxx2

i have been thinking to upgrade my speaker from Watt Puppy 7 to Kharma Midi ceremique or wilson Maxx2. I heard Kharma is much more musical speaker than Wilson, yet Wilson does all the other great things, such as big sound, dynamics and soundstage. since I m in small town in TX. I don't have experience with Kharma. I would like to hear some opinion from you guys.

Hello Blueguitar,

I heard both and neither would be my pick in that price range but of the two I would take the Kharma.

Have you listened to the Eidolon Diamonds with good tube amplification yet? I hope you find the right speaker for you.

Good luck
Jtinn ... you mentioned you were a Kharma dealer ... are you a Von Shweikert dealer as well?
The Maxx2 is a very musically involving loudspeaker that requires carefull attention to setup (as every high end loudspeaker does) because of its accuracy and revealing nature, mistakes or sloppy setup will be obvious. If you are serious about your music and spend the time getting your setup right there are very few loudspeakers that will match the Maxx 2.

I have just come back from a Hi-Fi show in Sydney Australia where the Maxx2 was on demo in one room with the Gryphon Poseidon's in another. The crowd voted with their feet, the average punter spent alot more time enjoying music in the Wilson room than the 4 times as expensive Poseidon's.

Find a good dealer who is prepared to spend the time and use your ears.