Only three manufacturers?

Playboy March issue states that speakers should reproduce the frequency, timing, and amplitude of the original sound. They state that most speakers get frequency and amplitude correct but only 3 manufacturers get the time coherence right: Vandersteen audio, Thiel, and Meadowlark audio.
What do you think about this comment and if its true are there any more manufacturers that get all 3 parameters.
Rogue Audio is to be in the next Playboy edition.
This came straight from Mark O'Brien.Very true.
I asked him if I can pose next to his products.
Air brushing can perform remarkable results!
I wonder how they will get rid of my gut though?
Look for Rogue in the next Playboy edition!!
they mentioned Rogue in the march issue. They used the Magnum 99 pre and M-150 monos
I read in stereophile that the size and shape of a woman's breasts don't matter, and that all women really look the same. Apparently we just imagine them to look different.

Seemed like a funny subject for stereophile, but, hey who am I to disagree ?
Im happy Playboy is dipping into High-End audio products.
Most people dont know High-End Audio exits.
This is a great way to reach the male masses who are the best audio customers anyway.
Hey,sex sells!! UU
Last week I read a review on the Meadowlark BH2's. The reviewer stated one day speakers won't be considered "audiophile" material unless they're time aligned and phase coherent. That may or may not be the case as only time can tell, but I've talked to (Roy Johnson- GMA) and read enough material on this subject to believe in the physics that support the theory.

I have two fundamental concerns with this theory.

1. Room environment - most people do not have a dedicated listening rooms that can take full advantage of this design. If I understand the principle correctly, this design is especially sensitive to room configurations and furniture arrangement. Place a coffee table, chair or couch near the pathway of its soundwave and time alignment goes out the window. From what I can tell - triangulation is the name of this game. In other words, the specific relationship between the positioning of ones ears to the placement/position of the drivers. By the same token, I think most speaker designs will be adversely affected by furniture and other room treatment peculiarities, so this is not unique.
2. Small sweet spot - Gallos and MBL's these are not.

And then again... I could be totally wrong, which won't be the first.