Does anyone out there have a liquid system

If you have one know explanation is neccessary, youll know what I mean. I wasnt sure were this should post but Ive been talking with some of you under speakers. If your getting that liquid sound from your system could you let me know what the componets,cables, interconnects are that your useing? no offense but if it took you one hundred thousand to do it , that wont do me any good; although maybe their are other people out there that it would, so go ahead and feel free.
There are lots of proponents of smoother, more liquid sound. They all seem to share a couple of traits - tubes, vinyl, copper wire, and staying away from metal dome tweeters.

I also have found smooth bliss with my tubed Audio Prism Mantissa preamp (Hi, Sogood51) feeding a near Rev A McCormack DNA .5 amp. I've got speakers with a very even and musical sound (yes, soft dome Scanspeak tweeters), but I modded them myself to get them there. The vinyl sounds great with a tubes phono stage (Hagerman Coronet) and the digital is smooth and detailed enough that I don't constantly feel the need to play vinyl (EA modded Sony 7700 into a modded ART DI/O). Belden 89248/89259 IC's feed everything.

You may notice a common theme - everything is modded or DIY. I never could have gotten where I am without slinging some soldier, unless I had oodles of $$$ and lots of time and patience to try and try again.

Good luck,
I know what you are looking for as I was looking for the same. My system is on the laid back side but that is what I like. It has detail but is not mechanical. Musicality is the key. Stay away from Metal dome speakers and foward bright equipment.

Get yourself a Tube integrated and a pair of speakers you have auditioned and stick with one cable brand throughout for your interconnects, speaker wire and powercords.

There is some great advice in this thread. My system is in very simple form right now but it has a full liquid character. Good luck!

the only thing thats liquid about my rig is that the gear flows in & out like water.

I have the awnser, LIQUID for all. My system is sonic euphoria and you would never believe my interconnects. I'm running two sets of magnepans MGIIIa's and MG-I improved's as my front L/R speakers. They are run in parallel at 2.7 ohms and powered by a crest audio Vs450 up to 750w/ch. My rear L/R speakers are Carver ALIII's and they are run off a Carver Pxm450 250 w/ch (which I find to be conservative)My center is a cerwin vega HT-MDC (the weak link) run off my reciever Yahama RX-V620. I use the reciver's A R/L speaker outputs as the input on the Crest Audio The B R/L speaker outputs are running to my 2 subs so I can control them with a push of a button. The surround speaker outputs are going to the Carver via line level to 1/4" cable I made from Actron (very generic) speaker wire and a 1/4" jack from radio shack I used the same wire thruoghout my system for my Maggies and my Carvers. I had a friend come over with a pair of his very expensive "solid silver" speaker cables guaranteeing vast improvements in sound quality, so I go along with him and start unwiring the beast.
We hooked the cables up the same way that the previous wires
were on the left side and left the original wires on the right side. We powered up the system and got it warmed up and there it was, barely a noticable difference and on that
note it was a $500 difference
"the only thing thats liquid about my rig is that the gear flows in & out like water."

Too Funny! I am the same way!
