what could have happened?

hello. all of a sudden my mids are thinner and highs are more brittle, with a touch of negative sibilance and an odd crack when a hard "a" is pronounced. i may be being hyper sensitive but when you play with fire(audio)...anyway, all connections seem good.
totem mites
paul speltz anti-cable(solid copper)
onix UFW-10 sub
onix A-60 int. amp
red cobra w/ eichman IC's
toshiba SD-2109 dvd/cdp
audioquest copperhead IC's
digital cable box
any ideas of what might have happened? thanks all.
I've had good results with the PS Audio UPC-200. If you can find one used it might be worth a try.

Good luck and let us know how it works out for you.
I use two different Powervars, the ABC 1200 for HT and the ABC 600 for analog. They seem to work fine and were considerably less than many name brands. I also have Audio Prism "Quiet lines" on each circuit. There are a number of quality conditioners around (if I had the money, I'd opt for Blue Circle).
Two suggestions

First, unplug all cables and clean and re-attach. Sometimes it is suprising what it can do.
Second, check you speakers. Would be worried about a tweeter issue. If you have a left right "selector" on your amp, try to compare them and see if they sound different..