VR-4JR or USHER 6371

Hi everyone
I am new to the forum and find myself in the (un?)fortunate position of rebuilding my entire home theater/stereo system. I am looking to spend somewhere in the 4k region for main speakers. They will do about 50/50 stereo and home theater duty. I have read alot about the VR4jr and will soon be able to hear them. I have also heard good things, although not as much press, regarding the ushers. I unfortunately have a somewhat small living room in which i will be setting up. The speakers will have to go along the longest wall. 10x16x8tall. I have some lattitude in sellecting acoustic treatment to improve my oddball room. the speakers will have to be placed up against the rear wall and not allowed to be pulled into the room. Has anyone here heard both speakers? Any insight would be great as I haven't heard ny of the usher line.
you do mean the usher 6381 don't you, as the 6391 is new and not imported yet. it is the bigger grother to the 6381.
Agree with Caesar148. Heard both the VR4jr and 6381 extensively when shopping for new speakers. I prefer the VR4jr as the Ushers have a slightly boxy coloration to them especially when pushed.

I owned the 6381's are they do have a slight boxy coloration which never completely went away with break in. However, I currently have the 6371's and they are worlds better. They integrate and disappear way better than the 81's ever did. A very different animal.
I think the disparity of the 81's sound is the 8" drivers inability to completely integrate seamelessly. The 71's have the 2-7" paired together and have no such problem.

Keep in mind that the orig. poster asked about the 71's NOT the 81's as a reference compared to the VR4Jr's.
kehut in looking at a picture of your setup i noticed you have the 6371's firing straight ahead. was this the same way you set up the 6381's? as per the distributor the ushers require quite some toe in. did you do any experimenting with toe in? i have the 6381's and i do not have the boxiness that you describe.