Subwoofer choice with B&W 805 Signatures?

Anyone have suggestions for a good subwoofer to match with my B&W 805 Signatures, 2-channel, all music, all tubes, small room (18'x21' with 9'ceiling) stuffed with a baby grand, 2 stuffed chairs, wood floor.

I'm currently using a Velodyne DD-10 with my Sig 805's.
Overall I am very pleased. The sub adds more depth
and and presence to my system. The S805's sound a bit
thin when I leave the sub off. The next plan is to add
another sub but I'm pretty excited with the results so
far. Good luck.

I have had good success using a B&W ASW-700 sub crossed over at 50 Hz with my S805's running full range. The ASW-700 plays quite deep (-3 dB at 22 Hz) yet it's not overpowering and doesn't muddy up the sound like other subs I've tried. Also, it doesn't take up much room and looks very nice, as it's available in a variety of real wood finishes - not just black. My room size is slightly smaller than your's, so you might also consider the ASW-750 or the new ASW-825.
what about the sunfire subs. im thinking of buying either the dd10 or a sunfire. i understand both have room correction systems. a remote would be good.. i think none of them have that