Fostex based speakers: Cain Abby or Omega Super3R

It is finally time for me to ask some questions: I am completely stuck on the question of speakers: I am deliberating to wander off into single driver land. Any experiences and comparisons between the Abby's and Super 3's will be very helpful. Room size will be medium to small. Can you please tell me about your experiences with room placement of these speakers? Also, any comparison between the nearfield and the normal version of the Abby’s would be great.

Right now I only have a Jolida 302b tube amp with certainly enough, or even too much power. I am thinking of assembling an SET system around these speakers later down the road (Bottlehead amps, Wright Mono's, etc.). The Abby’s are slightly more efficient (97dB vs. 93dB) and might be easier to drive. Sources are an Audio Aero Prima and a Michell Tecnodec/DL103/Dino.

Thank you very much for your help.

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Zu Cable and Decware both make full-range speakers with 94 db + sensitivity that are Very competitive, though more expensive. I know a guy in the Seattle area that will have a pair of RL-3's and Druids in his house soon. He's got two Decware tube amps, I have a Clari-T, and another fellow has a 15-watt OTL. Should be an interesting visit.

IMO, the Fostex line is only an introduction to what's possible.
You seem very excited about the Druids. How about post a link for them. Maybe one day I will get a chance to hear some.At the moment for my musical taste I'm content with Fostex/Sub combo.But who knows there's always tomorrow! LOL
Since your also a ClariT owner..your alright with me! :-)

I'm looking forward to the Omega Hemp drop in drivers at the moment.

Haven't heard the Fostexes with subs, but I bet it's sweet. The Fostexes really get the mids and dynamics right and the value of that cannot be overstated. As I've said before, the Clari-T/Fostex combo had me sell my HCA-2/Gallo Ref. 3 combo in about 4 minutes. Great, great stuff.

The hemp cones from Omega look to be super cool too. Plus, everyone that has met Louis says he's a very cool and committed guy that obviously knows it's all about real music at real prices. Tough to beat that.

My buddy has my project speakers now and I think he's a convert too. This stuff is too exciting to keep a lid on.
Those look impressive..I bet they will rock out!
That tweeter reminds me of the Fostex Super tweeter. My BC Acousitique center channel uses one.By the way the BC Acousitiques are great matches with Fostex speakers.
They do look like the Fostex supertweeters. All drivers and ultimate product are made in-house though.

They do rock, but they don't lose all the deliciousness you fell in love with. The transients and mids are every bit as present. The supertweeters add the last word of sparkle to the top too. They are yummy.

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