speaker with high WAF

Can anyone recommend a floorstanding speaker with a slim profile that doesn't suffer too much from near the wall placement. I favor those with clarity, coherance and imaging ability.
Sonus Faber Hands down IMO here. Cremona or Amatis, slap a little mirror and your set.
Linn Espeks. Can be placed 6" from the rear wall and the shape of the cabinet is gorgeous.
I third or fourth (?) the recommendation for the Merlins. Go to their website and have a look around. If the MM or MX VSM's are too expensive at this point, the VSM-M can be bought used for a fantastic price.
As a ProAc Response owner, I'm partial to them, but if I were looking at it from inside the bra out, I'd say Sonus Faber all the way.
Thanks. I thought I had a wife w/ high SAF, but I gues I should have gotten it in writing!! Anyone need a pair of Thiel 3.6's?