speaker with high WAF

Can anyone recommend a floorstanding speaker with a slim profile that doesn't suffer too much from near the wall placement. I favor those with clarity, coherance and imaging ability.
Usher's. Their speakers resemble Wilson's and Sonus Faber's, but aren't nearly as expensive. Good WAF potential and excellent bang for the buck.
Very slim floorstanders with easy placement.


They have a few different Transmission line speakers designed for near wall placement.
I agree, the Merlins are butt ass ugly. Definitely the Glock of loudspeakers. Butt, I kinda like th Glock look.
How about these. Electrostats, 1" wide, 6" tall. Look good in a living room, in an art deco sort of way. Good WAF, I know, I tried them with mine (wife, that is). Active, so no need for extra boxes (amps) cluttering the room.