I'm looking for inexpensive bookshelf speakers.

I'm looking for some inexpensive bookshelf speakers. $600 or under. For now they would be hooked up to a 65 watt per channel Denon receiver. I really like B&W 602's, but I would like to know what other people like in that price range. I listen to, blues, classical, and classic rock mostly.

depends what type of sound you are looking for. For the money you could do better than the B and W 602. The Acoustic Energy Aelite or discontinued Aesprit provide very open clear sound with rounded off top end and limited bass extension. They clearly benefit from bi-wiring. Can be had on e-bay for under your budget. The Quads are excellent but the finishes are unique (very glossy). The wharfedale is an excellent value. Not familiar with the others.
dynaudio 52,s are pretty are kind off sweet for the money,used 600.00...675.00?
Thanks for all your responses. You've given me quite a bit to think about and try to find and listen to. I really appreciate the input.

Acoustic Energy Aesprit 300s are great speakers at a great price. They listed for $600 new, sell for less than $300 used and are nearly full range. I've used NHT SB3s, Von Schwiekert VR-1s and a few others. The Acoustic Energys were the best by far IMHO. Good luck.