Quad ESL 989 and Maggie 3.6s

I'm thinking of moving from the world of monitors and floorstanders to planers/electrostats -- this is partly due to my new amps, a set of McIntosh MC-501s, which finally give me more than ample power to get into this world.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has listened closely to both of these speakers, or has strong opinions toward one or the other? I've heard both described as near-ultimates of the type and certainly as "giant killers." Unfortunately, I have not heard the Quads (and it's been a long time since I have heard Quads).

One possible consideration against the Quads is that we do have small children in the house and they could be dangerous.

I own the Maggie 3.6R's and love them. I did have the MC501's for a short time and didn't think they were a good match with the Maggies, but I have heard that the MC501's match great with Soundlabs (you don't have to buy the Ultimates if you buy Soundlabs), but I have not heard them.

After all of that, I love the Quads. Everytime that I have heard them I thought they were sublime. Not sure of the best amp match. I have heard them with modded Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes, and the was a great match.

Good luck
I have and LOVE Quad 989s. I too drive them with ASL amps, but mine are FIFTY-Watt SETs, the Explorer 805 DTs. My listening room is fairly large at c. 3200CF, but the amps will play the speakers louder than I ever want to listen. I drive them full-range and they have QUITE-ample bottom-octave energy for this lover of big-orchestra classical and film music. I use subwoofers in the home-theater mode. See my System for pics.

There are LOTS of 989 reviews on-line which include amp recommendations; I know nothing of the MC501s.
I do not know much about the Quads but what I think I remember reading is that they didn't need needed anywhere near that much power and that they were fairly efficient.
Take a serious look at Eminent Technology - at less than half
the price of the 3.6r's, I think the LFT-VIIIa would more than
hold their own.