Quad ESL 989 and Maggie 3.6s

I'm thinking of moving from the world of monitors and floorstanders to planers/electrostats -- this is partly due to my new amps, a set of McIntosh MC-501s, which finally give me more than ample power to get into this world.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has listened closely to both of these speakers, or has strong opinions toward one or the other? I've heard both described as near-ultimates of the type and certainly as "giant killers." Unfortunately, I have not heard the Quads (and it's been a long time since I have heard Quads).

One possible consideration against the Quads is that we do have small children in the house and they could be dangerous.

Thanks both to Wc65mustang and Jeffrey!

I'll keep your points in mind when I go auditioning.
"The bottom line is the 988 is an overall better sounding speaker than the 989, bottom end nothwithstanding. Period."

Glad to see you're so open-minded, WC. Some of us have steel-trap minds; you have an iron-doored mind, and the door is CLOSED.
Wc65 is just stating his opinion even if it sounds like a fact. Anybody who states anything like, for instance, Solid State is better than tubes as a fact is in fact an idiot. Some simple logic proves this. It's fine to have your own tastes and preferences, just don't tell me what I like.
I've read your posts and reviewed your system (as shown in your profile) and find it difficult to take you seriously.