How do the Merlin TSM compare to other speakers

I have read many great reviews of the TSM-MM/MX but have not seen much discussion as how they rate against other top class monitors or small floor standing speakers.

Thinking of speakers such as the micro utopia be, audio physic tempo, Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor, Dynaudio Special 25 etc.

Helo Larry
I used the the merlins and sonus faber guarniere first with JR concentra I and the cable were Kimber kselect 3033 with merlins and I used nordost red down with SF guarniere( I used before both cables in each speaker and these combinations were the best) the cdplayer was meridian 508.24 + madrigal gzel interconecter. after tis I changed to aplifier to gamut d200 mk3 + bat vk5i ( interconecters )siltech, I and more 3 friends arived the same impresion- the merlins were more fast and better. but I think that for violin and cello , the SF guarniere were better because the sound was more slow and the timbre were more natural.

Thanks for your response. I was not clear from what you said if you listened to the Merlin's vs the Guarneri on exactly the same equipment set up for each at the same time. Please clarify.
Please do let us know about the comparison of the Merlin's vs the B & W 805's.
i think you should try some different tube amps (like the one i sent you the brochure on) and wires like the cardas i told you about. this will change the timbre more like the sf but still retain the uniformity, speed and clarity of the merlin. the merlin is just telling you what the rest of your system sounds like.

and george the things like the siltech and the meridian sound better on the sf because they are lighter and leaner. this goes better with the character of the sf. you need to try things that sound better on the tsm to get the true picture of the comparison. things like au24 wire or cardas golden ref will make you understand because they sound like the tsm.