How do the Merlin TSM compare to other speakers

I have read many great reviews of the TSM-MM/MX but have not seen much discussion as how they rate against other top class monitors or small floor standing speakers.

Thinking of speakers such as the micro utopia be, audio physic tempo, Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor, Dynaudio Special 25 etc.


Truely sorry about your father in law.

Can you please explain the above in terms of ss output amps.What would the optimal damping factor be from a ss amp as a match for Merlin ? Would that differ from the TSM and VSMs ? Would that also differ between the MM and MX models ?

the tsm is less damped than the vsm and the mm version of each is less damped than the mx version of each.
as far as a specific damping factor that is most ideal, that is impossible to say because i have heard amps with low damping factors that are tonally challanged and over damped in the bass and other amps with high damping facors that sound lush, relaxed and complete. go figure. sorry chris but i can't give you the magic equation, wish i could but i can't.
all i can tell you is that i think that a speaker should control the noise, distortion and color so when you turn up the volume you you get louder music and not an increased level of the items mentioned earlier. damped speakers are a good thing imho and all we need to do is find a relaxed complete sounding amp to make them work their best.
Ach! Intuitively I can see (perhaps) what might be going on: high Q speaker + high damping factor power amp => too much of a good thing in that the amp is great at controlling the woofer that has already been damped by the speaker cabinet. So, I can see how this reduces the bass - the woofer excursion is curtailed very quickly by the low impedance of the amp.
By having a higher o/p impedance in the power amp, only the speaker cabinet controls the woofer excursion as the power amp is "sloppier" in this dept.

No wonder then that the Berning ZH270 sounds best w/ the Merlins w/ its feedback at the "low" setting, which creates a higher o/p impedance & a lower damping factor vs. the other 2 settings.
I am listening for the first time a new pair of TSM-MM that my friend Bernie (Canadian A) just purchased. I have a pair of Reference 3A De Capo I in my system that I have owned for 10 months. I am using Atma-Sphere M60s and MP-3 pre amp.
Let me tell you that I am shocked at how much more cohesive the TSM are over the 3A's. They are more open, and musical. They make my toes start to tap.
I have them for two more days before Bernie gets over shift work, but I can tell you now that I will be looking to purchase a pair of VSM soon as I can but some funds together. I hate this hobby!!!! I though I was finished upgrading. Bobby you have messed me up
Do the new TSM have over 200 hours of normal listening volume on them yet ? If not, just wait till you hear them with 200, 300 or more and you will be more suprised.
Also consider saving a bit more and getting the MX version with BAM. Do that and you will be set speakwerwise for the rest of your audiolife (unless Bobby comes up with something radically better....probably will).