How would you desribe Von Schweiket VR-4jr sound?

Or for that matter the Von Schweikert sound in general, particularly their newer models?
What would you, Von Schweikert owners/previous owners, auditioners, consider their strengths.... weaknesses?


Kevziek, your right on the money with your assessment. They are uncolored and realistic sounding. They will bring out sonic charateristics of the other components.
re: Kevziek's comments -

"Music lovers" generally choose the material (software) they listen to based on these 3 factors in this order:

1st. How much they enjoy the composition/songwriting
2nd. The quality of the performance
3rd. The sonic attributes of the recording

"Audiophiles" one could argue, reverse those priorities.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of music that rates highly by 1. and 2. above was NOT recorded with audiophiles in mind. Therefore, if your analysis is correct, you have just established that these speakers will not produce an experience that appeals to "music lovers" most of the time.

Now "audiophiles" on the other hand, generally are looking to go a little more high end than the JR's which apparently are not finished particularly well and certainly have arguable sonic compromises. (Complicated 4th order crossovers, rear-firing "ambience" tweeters, and ported cabinets disqualify it as far as I'm concerned.)

So the audience that will be truly happy with JR's is "audiophiles" who can't presently afford more, or "music lovers" without very discerning ears.

This probably explains why a fair number of JR's started showing up for sale used pretty early on in the product's life/hype-cycle. Which is not to say they don't work for some people - but clearly there are valid reasons that they don't work for others.
Opalchip: This post sought opinions from people who have owned or auditioned the VR-4JR. Have you? Based on your comments I tend to doubt it. Also, a fair number of everything shows up on Audiogon. That's just the nature of this hobby and it means nothing. What do you own and what qualifies you as a judge of these or any speakers?
I think both Kevziek and Opalchip make very good points. Kevziek, a knowledgeable and experienced audiophile, has purchased a product that satisfies his musical needs. I cannot think of a single product that will truly satisfy a majority, let alone all audiophiles. Audiogon attracts people who are looking for the best bang for the buck, giant killer products and based upon the rave reviews and owners' comments the VS4Jr would seem to be a perfect example. The fact that so many then show up for resale simple proves the one size doesn't fit all in the audiophile world. You might not like Opalchip's reasoning, but it's nothing to get defensive about.