CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7

I am considering to by me Watt/Puppy 6 or 7. I dont know which amlifier would be better with this speakers- CAT JL-2 Mk2(JL-3) or Lamm M1.2(1.1),ML1.1, ML2.1 ?
Can someone tell me the difference?
The cables are Transparent audio Reference XL(MM), source Kuzma Stabi Reference with Airline.Preamplifier probably the same brand as power amplifiers.
My music taste: most classic music,jazz and then some rock...
I prefer complexity , texture, neutrality and dinamics(macro and micro) within airie sounstage- but most important it must be music!
Thank you.
Schorly: I would not suggest a passive preamp with the Lamm LP2. I own that unit and, while I think it's superb, it only has 57 db of gain in the MC stage which, on some records cut at low levels and at least with my Koetsu RSP (admittedly low output), is barely enough to play them at reasonable levels, even with an active preamp. I think you will need the extra gain you get running that phono stage through an active line stage. I can vouch highly for both the Lamm L2 and Jadis line stages with the LP2 Deluxe (the synergy between the LP2 and my JP200 is shockingly good).
Rcprince: I know it is better with active line stage but I can not afford me active preamp right now.
I dont have Lamm LP2 Deluxe, but I am searching for phono preamp for Kuzma Stabi Ref. and Airline combo.
I have read only the best about Lamm LP2 Del. phono preamp so I have put it on my short list.
Have you suggestions for me about other phono preamps?
And put some words about differences between them.
Thank you.
Schorly: Rcprince raises a important issue on gains. Another product to consider is the Aesthetix Io. The Io has capability up to 80db gain. The non-signature model comes up now and then on the used mkt for much less than the LP2 deluxe. The Io has an awesome portrayal of space and decays but has a higher noise floor and is not quite as resolving as the more costly units. Lots of opportunity with tube changes to really get this unit to sing.

For even less cost, the BAT VK-P10 is a wonderfully musical unit. It has a gain in the low 70 dbs with the internal step-up transformer that I found to not get in the way of the music. It has a lower noise floor than the Io but not quite the 3-dimensional qualities described above.

John's suggestions are excellent--the IO was the principal unit that I was considering along with the Lamm, decided I couldn't fit the two chassis and I liked the lower noise floor on the Lamm. And, best of all, you can get one, if it turns up used, with an excellent volume control (two huge volume pots), so you won't need the passive or a line stage, if all you listen to is vinyl. A friend of mine got one of the early ones, has had it for many years and still loves it.
Good suggestions from both, since I will not need any active pre.
So lets sum up: Kuzma combo with Aesthetix Io phono with volume pots to CAT JL-2Mk2(JL-3Mk2) to WP 6(7) all wired with Transparent Reference MM cables! Something is missing...
The cartridge! What is your suggestion, which would match idealy in this set up? If,then I preffer more warm sound not cool and analytical. The best would be neutral.