Am I missing something?

I have a system that I consider wonderful. It consists of Musical fidelity A3.2cr amp/pre, cambridge audio d300se cdp, Music Hall mmf 2.1 turntable, and Monitor Audio Silver 4i speakers on custom stands. I know it is mostly a budget based system, and I have never heard of anyone else saying anything possitive about these speakers, but I couldn't point out a single thing that they do wrong. I have heard Martin logans, sonus faber, vienna accoustics, paradigm, athena, and some others, and I know this sounds crazy, but I like my $850 Monitor Audio Silver 4i's better than them all. I have a very long listening room (almost 30ft by 13ft, speakers on the short wall) and they fill the room with a very pleasant sound. I know there are better speakers out there, but if I was unsatisfied with the other speakers I mentioned, what speakers do you think would fit my listening taste? I know stereophile auditioned my amp/pre with Sonus faber cremonas and said that the combo was "one of the best", and I didn't get a chance to listen to the cremonas, so these may be a good choice. Any other suggestions?
I remember talking to Alan Kafton (the maker of The Cable Cooker and the Power Wing XP) and I mentioned that everytime I sit down and listen to my system I smile and say to myself "This really sounds good".

Alan asked me "What more could you ask for then?".

I was searching for speakers to replace my 1991 B&W Silver Signature's, just because I've had them for so long. I have yet to hear another pair of speakers that has made me put them up for sale on Audiogon. Is that bad? I don't really think so.

The only thing I would suggest, if you're itching to do something, is to get yourself some AudioPoints and coupling discs (to protect your furniture) from and place three spikes under each component. That includes between your speakers and the stands.

If you're looking to spend more money, believe it or not, the biggest upgrade to my system was Alan Kafton's Power Wing, Cleaning up the AC which lowers your noise floor allows you to hear things that you never even imagined.

Yeah why change. I still have thoughts of downgrading my more expensive CD player to get a Jolida JD100. Just because the sound was so addicting. If you're happy don't upgrade.
You seem way too happy to need new speakers, if it isnt broke, dont fix may always regret it!
You are fortunate and probably not obesessive. I have fiddled with a system that grew to two systems then to three for about 5 years now. I experimented to find those things in audio whose sound was most pleasing to my ears. There is so much variety in the way designers think a piece should sound that it is easy to get sidetracked from where you thought you were going.

I started with a reciever and ended up with separates. I started SS and ended up with tubes. I have finally cornered the type of gear that reproduces music as it pleases me. Each step though has revealed a new level of pleasure in the fidelity of reproduced music. The journey has been been almost as pleasurable as the destination.

It is great that your system pleases you because that is really its sole purpose.