Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
Puddles. A towering tenor who does great covers of contemporary pop tunes. Go to you tube or check out I recommend starting with "Royals" or "Hallelujah." Satisfaction guaranteed (or your money back).
Without a doubt, Dan Hicks-Where's The Money. Bought it from a local second hand store. Bought it for the curiosity of its quirky cover. What a gem.
Absolutely, Fourwnds! That LP has been in my collection since the 70's, and is not only great musically, but is also of audiophile recorded sound quality.
I discovered Chris Campbell and Cyrillic Typewriter. Both artists are ambient and sophisticated electronics.
I also came upon the EP Sweet Convulsions which is post-punk-gothic project of early 90's and pretty hard to find.