Does a Good 20 amp cable Make a Difference

Hello everyone,

Since I purchaced a shunyata Power filter over a year ago.I noticed that after I upgraded to better a/c
cables for my sources I noticed a remarkable improvement in my overall sound.Indeed it can be a long and ardous journey in the quest to find great power cable that will best suit your setup,and bring out the most in every manner possible! Thankfully Ive been quite fotunate in not having to test too many cords in finding the right one!

Now my query over bettering my cables for my components,is the one for the power filter itself! Im presently using
a Shunyata Diamondback 20 amp a/c cable for this purpose alone.I gather IMHO Its more or less at $200.00 something dollars its probably one of their entry level cable.

Now seeing im presently using a/c cables that are in the $400 $500 $600+ range.Would it not make sense to go equally for a great 20 amp a/c cable for the the power filter?

And could this upgrade bring all the other cabling on the filter brought into better perspective.and would the diff
erence be an appreciable one?
There is a "review" of the Anticables Level 3 Reference Power Cord here:

I have not found much information on it.
Max - I watched the review you posted (most of it) and the one thing that stood out for me was that the reviewer seemed to think that he should be hearing improvements that another person had experienced.

He talked of not being able to hear an appreciable improvement in dynamics the other person believed he should be getting.

Unfortunately, his system was probably not identical to the other person's system, so how could they hear similar improvements?

One thing I have learned over the last few years is - your system will only perform as well as your worst component or cable will allow - i.e. the weakest link!

So if your interconnect does not provide a good dynamic performance, then adding a great power cable to an amp will probably not yield any significant benefits in that area either.

This is unfortunately the issue with replacing any cables in a system. For example - I recently had the opportunity to test some extremely good IC's and speaker cables - I tried the interconnects first and found they provided little in the way of improvements, but when I connected the speaker cables as well I instantly heard appreciable improvements across the board. The issue was my speaker cables were not allowing the extremely fine details being conveyed to/by the amp and IC combo, to be passed on to the speakers.

We tend to report improvements (or disappointments) on the latest cable (or component) we have just installed and don't consider that many of the changes experienced (or not) may actually due to other cables and components in our system.

Power cables are perhaps the most contentious cable related topic of all, since people have reported widely varying success and there is no hard and fast rule for the cable selection process.


I do know that well designed power cables make for some considerable improvements and from that perspective if I had to recommend one of the three cables I have mentioned - I would probably go with the Shunyata, only because they "appear" to share similar design principles to my own DIY cables and other members have posted some very positive comments about them.

In addition - I have heard several Nordost power cable products and they all offered appreciable improvements - so if you want a "guarantee" - get a Nordost.

HOWEVER, the system they demo'd those PC's in probably had extremely good IC and SC's - so you should not use my comments as a gauge as to their effectiveness in YOUR system.

If you find it does not "impress", then I would urge you to take a look at the other cables in your system before selling the PC's off at a loss - it could be your IC's or SC's are not performing up to the capabilities of the rest of your system/cables!

My experiences with power cables were very positive and this led me to upgrade what I refer to as my "Power Corridor" i.e. the wiring from the mains breaker panel, the wall outlets, power distribution box and of course all power cables.

With that out of the way I then moved my attention to SC's and IC's (in that order) knowing that the power side was no longer my weakest link.

One last comment - todays components tend to perform to an extremely high level of fidelity and as such are seldom the weakest link, but they do need good cables, especially power cables in order to achieve their very best.

As an example - my DAC cost around $400, but when connected with excellent cables (costing several times its price) it performs to a very much higher higher level of fidelity.

I have also experienced similar benefits by applying "power supply improvements" to other modestly priced components over the years

If possible, audition the cables first or deal with companies that allow full refunded returns.

Sorry I could not be of more assistance, but if you have any further questions please ask.


Actually Willa Wonka you've been more than helpful.I fully concur with the fact that if your SC and IC cables are not up to par,theres only so much a pc cord can do! But this is not the case in my situation.I have (for what I believe)are excellent sc and was when I tried a very good powercord (Shunyata) that things started to change and for the better.I am most likely going to end up with Shunyata pcs.Because those have impressed me the most.Its just my 20 amp Diamondback pc going from power conditioner to wall that could be upgraded.This is why I was considering Anti Cables.
Just having a hard time finding a Shunyata 29 amp used.So I was looking for an appreciable alternative!
Zyac39 - what are you planning on plugging into the power conditioner?

If the amp is not going into the conditioner you may only need 15 amp cable.

What make/model is the conditioner?

I have all my low current devices into a power distribution box - the amp goes into the wall.

I didn't notice any difference between a 13 gauge and a 10 gauge power cord connecting the distribution box to the wall. Both were identical architecture and quality of materials.

There was only marginally less bass when I put the same 13 gauge PC on the amp - a 50 watt NAIM 5i - not a huge current draw

Well I'm planning to use a 20 amp pc by Shunyata Python Helix straight into power filter to dedicated line.
