Power supply improvement for CD player

I'm using a Lexicon RT 20. Can the PS be improved? How?
Rodman your info is much appreciated. (Expertise is not obtained without time and effort and usually cost. Sounds reasonable to me. I am not technically knowledgeable and would be afraid to try doing any work myself. What level of technician is required for these changes? Where are you located?
I hear YOU RODMAN99999. These things (improvements)are possible by that route. No doubt there. I'm only advising the practical. Our fellow(or other)member should take a serious look... at what's ALREADY ON the PS board, and do a small(uhm) evaluation whether it's worth it/practical to swap-out any component after it is compared to a possible replacement. I would bet Lexicon did well on PS execution(device selection) as is. BE AWARE OF THE SITUATION. Then act accordingly to your findings(re:"across the board-out-of hand", no..no.). Recommended every-time. Personally, I've tinkered since High School. In '78, I attended the Army Signal school at Fort Gordon,GA in the Fixed Radio Repair (32H)course. Served as a technician with the 323rd Maintenance Co. at Ft Devens MA for some time. I play guitar, my baby is a black '67 Les Paul Custom I (I purchased in '79 for $500. try that today..).That said, I always search for ways to get better audio quality from stuff I own, as I'm sure we AudiogoN's do as a community. I will only try to give bottom line advice, not experiments or assumptions about what's in what YOU own, unless I OWN, or have in the past have had direct knowledge of THAT unit's design. Circuit modifications on well designed(RT-20)digital gear, that cannot be measured(lucky for you), are subjective and subtle at best. Or it wouldn't have been what you wanted to own in the first place, right? Better Fuse($$),ok...,esoteric power"cord", well...cable gauge(thickness) maters most, before alloy quality($$$) or any theoretical strand layout schemes($$$$). You can find a "ultimate" power cord at HOME DEPOT.Throw away that "detachable" socket and solder direct to unit. Use a decent Hospital Grade plug for the wall side from there as well, with $3.50 snap-on ferrite blockers attached to both ends from PARTS EXPRESS, and forget about it. I feel I have expressed quite enough for today, hope you manage to enjoy the music!
Your statement regarding the, "ultimate" power
cord being found a Home Depot, has me wondering if you
actually believe research has been static since your
schooling, back in the day. I would think these guys(or
their customers) might take issue:
(http://www.analysisplusinc.com/) The results of the
circuit mods, as outlined, would neither be subjective OR
subtle. ie: The TacT RCS 2.2X preamp(a very well designed
digital unit) that I am presently using, was modded
similarly(the Bellesons weren't available then), the
improvements: obvious to anyone within earshot and much more
like the real thing(the common reaction). I feel no need to
enter a pissing contest regarding my
schooling/degrees/experience, or the guitars I've
owned(always loved the old Les Pauls, but only had a '69
Fender Strat, under the couch for a while). However,
addressing the topic: I would bet that you've never compared
any actual, "high-end" power cords(let's just call
that, over $300), with your Home Depot cord, or auditioned a
component, with it's power supply circuit modded as
outlined(be honest now). The total price of the components
listed(on sale at Parts Connexion), for Mr P's unit, would
come in under $100.00(minus the cord and fuse upgrades). If
he limits himself to your advice, he will rob himself of
much musical pleasure(not to mention the gratification of
personally performing the operation). I always manage to
enjoy the music, but- I refuse to settle for what a
manufacturer's R & D department's budget may have limited
them to. Raw electronic components have evolved and vastly
improved over the years. I like to keep up. Help yourself
to the ubiquitous 'Last Word', if you feel the need. Happy
Mr P- As a possible, low-cost experiment, contact The Cable
Company and see if they have a sample of this PC:
(http://www.thecableco.com/Product/Power-Oval-10) If so- it
should cost around $30.00 to audition, in your system.
Synergistic Research offers a money back guarantee, if their
fuses do not provide the audible improvements claimed:
Together, they should result in an audible difference. I
would be very interested in hearing your impressions, should
you try this.
MR P- I missed your post(12-9). Sorry! I'm in Indianpolis, IN. The mods would require someone that is adept at desoldering and soldering. The components that would be replaced are easily accessed, on your equipment. Where are you located?