Best Amp For Maggies 1.6 Tube Or SS

I Have A Audible Illusions M3a Preamp Cambridge Audio 740 Azur Cd Player And The Maggies Kimber Kables Inter And Speaker Need Best Match Tube Or Soild State Amp
I drove my Maggie 1.6's with a Parasound A21 high current amp and it really handled them well. The Parasound also has 1000 dampening factor for control of the bass. The maggies are very reveling and I found that I needed to soften the sound up with a tube preamp and a tube buffer after the cd player. They make beautiful music in the right room when set up correctly. They need a bit of room behind and on the sides...

Good Listening,
I own both 3.6s and 20.1s, after playing with a few amps my preferred amp is the Conrad Johnson MF2500. I think their smaller MF2250 Would be a good match as well. At their going price they are true bargain.
Go vtl mb300 or mb450.
Audio research is good too,
I have vm220.. Both power my 20.1 well.