Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

The D'Agostino amp is one of my favorites - indeed! You have to be careful with isolation. Too much isolation is not good IMO. Isolation causes equipment to store up energy and this energy needs to be released. We are all talking about isolation, but no one is asking "is this really a good thing?" I think we may learn in the near future, that too much isolation is not ideal.

I am narrowing my amp selection down to Audionet, Burmester and Soulution. D'Agostino is still in the running - but I need to hear it on D3's.
@ Mbovaird, yes you are absolutly correct, to much isolation can turn out like to much room treatment!, its much easier to screw a listening rooms sound up from over treatment than it is with isolation, I really do not isolate, I tune with the cones by moving them around under componets to get the best pleaseing sound possible, and use objects on top of componets to help if needed,, I would spend days listening to the Agistino amp on your speakers before I would make a rash decision, what is the specks on your new speakers that are being built, if you do not mind me asking, and how many hours of burn in time will they take to achieve absolute best sound?, cheers.
@audiolabyrinth - the D3 specs are 89db, 6ohms, with a impedance ohm drop into the 3 range.

I am flying to Boston next week for a demonstration of the Audionet amp/preamp on the D3's. In addition, my friend may bring his Soulution 501's so we can compare head-to-head vs the Audionet. I'm very much looking forward to that.

The new Audionet DNP preamp is very interesting. I would like your thoughts on it. If you search on youtube, you will actually find Audionet demonstrating their amps with the Raidho C3.1 speakers (same specs as my D3). Here is a review on the new preamp:

You know I absolutely love the D'Agostino amps, and my friend who owns the D'Agostino amps/preamp just bought a pair of D3's! So, I will get to hear that combo too.

I'm also interested in the Viola Acoustics amps. The monos were favorably reviewed in the latest Tone Magazine (you can download this for free) at or just the review at:
You know I absolutely love the D'Agostino amps, and my friend who owns the D'Agostino amps/preamp just bought a pair of D3's! So, I will get to hear that combo too.
Here is what a friend of mine recently told me -

"I have the Dagostino amp and preamp but in a week or two will be trading them in. The gear sounds great but the preamp is driving me crazy. No zero point on the tone control. Flashing LEDs on mute that's annoying. No dimming on the front lights and general quirkiness." He always preferred his Dart amps anyway.

I'm also interested in the Viola Acoustics amps. The monos were favorably reviewed in the latest Tone Magazine
If you knew what I know about that publication, you wouldn't take any of their reviews seriously.

There is an old saying "the blind cannot lead the blind"...