Pass X350.5 Heat Output

Not having heard Pass, I'd like to know how much heat the X250.5 / X350.5 generate. I understand their Class A amps give off a lot of heat but will the X.5 be somewhat less?

I have a small room now (11x12) but will be moving to a larger room (12x22) shortly.

Thank you for your thoughts
I owned the pass labs 350.5 and heat was never an issue, I currently own the pass xa 160.5 monoblocks and they can produce enough heat to be uncomfortable at times. Good luck
Great. Thank you for all the responses. My listening sessions are usually 1-2 hours so the X350.5 might be fine. I have been advised that the X250.5 puts out 40% less heat so that might be just right.
What I said earlier; use a Purist Audio powercable. Wenn you buy a X250.5 it will give you the feeling you bought a X350.5. Goodluck!
i would have auditioned Pass amps but for the amount of heat they generate.My room is appx. 11x13 and because of the heat issue,(also run a projector for movies) we just bought a pair of Ampzilla MK.II.These amps at 300 watts run COOL.Even when I play music for my wife,and she loves to listen at high levels,I can rest my hand on the amps heat sinks and they are merely warm.I have had VTL 100 and replaced a BAT vk-200 which also ran very hot.
I love these amps!!