Modifying the TAD-60

I was an early adopter of this pretty good amp that was imported by the late Paul Grzybek. Paul was very good communicator an shared a lot with me over the years before he passed.
I was inspired to do some mods by what one A'goner sold earlier this year, which was a massive rebuild. This amp is actually listed again presently.
Mostly PS stuff which I am planning to do, but also some changes to the driver circuit. I will be starting this weekend and reporting my progress and welcome any info or suggestions, of course criticism as long as it is in the DIY spirit.
I added a separate transformer to power the power tube filaments taking some load off the existing transformer. I felt there was indeed sonic improvements and the amp ran slightly cooler.

I added far more capacitance in the power supply and instead of using a power resistor for filtering I included a nice Hammond choke.
I am building the PS now, so far large Toroid for the B+, two 6au4 half wave rectifiers, hammond 193Q choke. For this first phase of the PS transformation I am going to keep the stock tranny for tube filaments and bias voltages. PS new B+ supply will be choke input. Still collecting parts.
Later I will be working on the bias PS.
I will report if removing the pot and shortening the input connections do anything
I have replaced the coupling caps and the stock wire in the signal path with better quality, and the improvements are quite noticeable. I also removed the volume pot from the input circuit and shorten the input wiring quite a bit. I am starting to hear what I call "magic" in the system. Its what I hear when I am in the presence of a truly high end system. I am sure this is partly to do with the coupling caps burning in. This is quite exciting, hearing the changes after living with this amp since new in 2007.
I want to move the input jacks right next to the 12ax7 but this is going to be difficult because of the sub-chassis that the small tubes are mounted on. so this is going to wait until after I finish the PS rebuild