Amplifier, less than 10 Watts, for PHY speakers

I need an advice about a little tube amplifier, to drive phy based speakers. Thank you
I use an S30 Atmasphere OTL with my Ocellia PHY speakers and it beat out my $50,000 Kondo 2A3 Souga amp...nothing but pure delight.

(Dealer disclaimer)
Even after 2.5 years, I continue to be thrilled every time I listen to my Auditorium-23 Solovox Hommage speakers driven by my Wavelength Cardinal X1 mono blocks.
4musica, I just looked up your speakers. Very interesting and very nice indeed!!
I will have to agree with your choice of the Wavelengths.
I use a pair of the Cardinal XS version with Beauhorn Virtuoso speakers.
(8" Lowther DX4)
How does the Auditorium 23 compare to your previous full range multi driver Devore Silver back, any trade offs? Your current amp-speaker combo seems very enticing.
Isochronism - Thanks. The Solovox are indeed interesting. Together with the Cardinal monoblocks, their sound is seductive and addictive. I looked up your speakers as I had not heard of them. They are very intriguing!

Charles1dad - In going from the Silverbacks to the Solovoxes, I gave up frequency extremes, the capacity to listen properly to large scale classical music in that room, and the capacity to play music loudly in that room. But I have another very good system in another room that is suitable for the aforementioned Solovox "deficiencies." The Solovox is the best speaker I know of and can afford for solo vocals, certain solo instrumentals (especially guitar and strings), small ensemble classical, jazz, and blues, and even some small scale orchestral works. If money and room aesthetics were less limiting, I would upgrade from the Solovox to the Shindo Latours and make sure they were properly attended with the best Shindo electronics.

OP - Have you considered Shindo amplification, e.g., the Cortese? I heard the Cortese driving my Solovoxes and the pairing was wonderful.

Best Regards,
