Integrated Recommendation

Looking for an integrated for my Totem Mani 2s. I understand the high power / current requirement. Budget around $1500, new or used.

Currently considering a) Peachtree Nova 125 or b) Musical Fidelity A5 and a decent DAC. Sources are streaming files and vinyl.

Which will be more satisfying long term? Other ideas are welcome!
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I like the hybrid route. I can see you being very happy with the Unison Research Unico SE 140wpc. Tube input with solid state output. Mighty sweet!
Ive personally had both the ARROs and FORESTs and have seen and heard the MANI-2s among others.

Nice speakers but they all share two common threads -
(I) they all need high current and watts cuz Totems are power pigs -- There is a plethora of posts in A-Gon discussing this.


(ii) high-end quality kit to drive them. Take a look at what TOTEM usually uses to drive them at shows: SIMAUDIO, AYRE, PLINIUS among similar others - all high current and lotsa grunt,

to perform at their best. I bi-amped the FORESTS to get the most of them , before I sold them off.

I agree with Jburidan -- SIMAUDIO I7 is a preferred choice for two reasons:

(a) Both are in Montreal and voiced with each other's kit to get that synergy (but then you also probably have to migrate to other matched SIM gear - DAC CDP etc); and
(b) TOTEM had its own AMBER integrated amp built for them by SIM AUDIO and was essentially a modded SIM
I'm very happy with my A5 int amp.

Gobs of power, firm grasp on the bass, and has a surprisingly good phono input.

If the price is right - the MF would be a very satisfying choice, imo.
Lots of good suggestions here. I'll add the Rogue Sphinx with tube input stage and Class D output that puts out 100WPC and doubles that into 4 Ohms. It comes in a couple hundred bucks under your price point new. There was a review recently in Absolute Sound if you haven't seen it. Just another option among a bunch of good ones. Best of luck.