Best Class A amp with SLAM

I'm looking for a couple of great class A bias amps (monoblocks) with the best "slam" as well as a sweet sound.

I recently sold 2 Krell KMA 160 mono blocks and I really miss them. What's out there that has the same attributes? I want 100-160 WATTS RMS that I can weld with if I want.
Hi, I might not have the very best, however, I will attest, that the Krell 700cx has plenty of slam with an uncanny mid-range not found in the 600c or original, the new krell amps have a different sound flavor, some may prefer it, I do not, there is nothing like the old school slam of Krell!, To top it off , I had krell modify the amp I have to be better than the original 700cx amp that are out there, sure this costed alot of money, this is what krell said!, Lol!, In the process of getting another source so sadly as of now the amp is still new in the sealed box!, its a minor inconvinence!
" the new krell amps have a different sound flavor, some may prefer it, I do not, there is nothing like the old school slam of Krell!,"

What's exactly is different about newer Krell compared to old?
My audiovalve challenger 180 monoblocks are class A and have plenty of slam as do my jeff roland model 6 monoblocks;probally really depends more on the speaker/amp combination for the resulting slam.
probally really depends more on the speaker/amp combination for the resulting slam."

Absolutely it does. The BEST amp with slam is probably the one that can do it best with most any speaker that is up to the task in most any room.

Kinda like how Peyton Manning and Tom Brady can rack up the yards with almost no regard to who is catching the ball on the other end.

Of how the UFC MMA champion with the most slam is probably the biggest one, ie the heavyweight champion.

The best smaller guys may be more skilled, faster and more nimble though, so that's not to say they might not be able to take out the biggest, baddest slammer on any given day.

SET amps are the featherweights. Talented and nimble but ain't gonna outslam the bigger boys in most cases.

Class D amps may be the "light heavyweights". Talented, lean and mean, slam galore and pretty nimble, but in a smaller, more efficient package. The George St. Pierre of amps! :^)
A pair of these as mono blocks will give you more slam than you could ask for, combined with finesse too. Olympia AX by PBN Audio

Good Listening
