Best Class A amp with SLAM

I'm looking for a couple of great class A bias amps (monoblocks) with the best "slam" as well as a sweet sound.

I recently sold 2 Krell KMA 160 mono blocks and I really miss them. What's out there that has the same attributes? I want 100-160 WATTS RMS that I can weld with if I want.
I think you understand it as I meant it. I can create an extreme touchable image these days. Every single part of a recording is very easy to locate. But not only in one line, but also in depth. With MIT I never heard a very direct voice or instrument. Wenn I play a big orchestra, the stage is wide and deep but within this big stage instruments are very sharp focussed. When I go back to MIT, you do not know where it is exactly. The exitement you feel when the image becomes touchabele is stunning. It it the big smile on your face when you hear it. When I hear it with MIT we Always look at eachother and we all say; nooooo ( we use our heads) it is not good. But also in speed, control resolution the MIT cables loose too much in quality. That is why I love comparing with cables so much. It is a very easy way to let people hear how to get a much higher level in sound quality.
Thanks Bo for the clarification and interesting comments. I don't want to hijack this thread into a cable discussion. Er, well maybe too late...
Not got the Atma yet, taking very long :-)

I have tried a dozen Class A Amplifiers which I settled for the Clayton M300. It had everything I was looking for. At the moment they are running my Legacy Whisper XD with DSP in the chain and the transparency with the liquid midrange is as best as I have heard in any SS Amplifiers.

I am in the process of modifying my Bob Carver 305 Amplifiers with Caps upgrade.
The BEST amp with slam is probably the one that can do it best with most any speaker that is up to the task in most any room.

This cannot be held as a universal truth. The problem is that certain speakers will not have the right impedance curve in the bass to allow a solid state amp to do its thing, yet that same amp might be find on other speakers. Matching plays a big role.
Probably true.

Amp + speakers both matter. Biggest baddest amp + biggest baddest most efficient full range speakers with slam to match probably wins in the end. COuld be a commercial system geared towards a large venue or arena most likely and overkill for most any home.

In most peoples homes, even with larger rooms and higher volumes, it might be impossible to determine the best amp or combo in that many could test one's slam tolerance in practice. It's just a much smaller scale problem there.