Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?


My power amp REF110 blew resistors and damage PCB (it is the second time), in the pass my VT100 MKIII also damage the PCB had to replace it.
I like REF110 sound but I think I should move to a more reliable solid state power amp.

Which power amplifier do you recommend to substitute Audio Research REF110 without have to regret every day?

Many thanks for the advice.
I would recommend researching the following depending on your speakers impedance and recommended amplification/power.

First Watt SIT-1 Monoblocks
Wells Audio Innamorata Amplifiers
Pass Labs XA.5 Series
Merrill Audio Veritas Twin or Monoblocks
JRDG 625. Great amp with sweetness and mojo. Read TAS reviews. Beautifully made and beautiful sound.
I am a loyal ARC tube gear owner. This includes 4 and a half pre/linestages and 3 amps. Other than an occasional blown bias resister, never experienced the kind of problems described above. Admittedly, I always paired an ARC pre/linestage with the ARC amps I owned, but I don't recall reading the alert mentioned above about pairing an ARC pre/linestage with an ARC amp. I'll check the manual. If I see it, I'll report back.