Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?


My power amp REF110 blew resistors and damage PCB (it is the second time), in the pass my VT100 MKIII also damage the PCB had to replace it.
I like REF110 sound but I think I should move to a more reliable solid state power amp.

Which power amplifier do you recommend to substitute Audio Research REF110 without have to regret every day?

Many thanks for the advice.
I hate to ask a question when I have no experience with the components, but if you like the ARC sound, and want to try a solid state amp, have you listened to any of the current ARC solid state amps in the DS series?

As for ARC reliability, I have owned three of their tube components, two preamps and one amp, and never experienced a problem.
Jglpublic, I do not doubt that you experienced these unfortunate problems. I strongly suggest that you call Kal at ARC and share your problems. I believe that ARC will stand behind its products. Let us know how you make out.
I traded my Ref 110 for a Pass Labs XA60.5
Then, because I wanted more power, a X350.5.
I am very pleased with this swap.
Now I have no worries about tubes and save a lot of headaches, time, and money.
Look at Herron amps and pre amps. I have had my M1 amps for close to 6 years and have never found a other amp to replace them. Always on. Always just right. And I have had 3-4 other amps just to compare but keep the Herrons.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I had not ever had any problems with any of my Audio Research gear - power amps included.
Also, AR has excellent customer service!