Krell KSA-200s First Time Use

Ok in experimenting with the KSA-200S for the first time, in plugging it in to the wall socket (not connected to speakers or anything else) it comes on for a few seconds, then shuts off. Any ideas as to what is going on? Is this normal?
Prof. John, just a wild arsed speculation here, but is it possible the amp is tripping because it needs to be hooked up to the speakers. Maybe the open circuit is doing it. If not, it's time to call the factory.
@ Brf, Hi, If the op does not have problems with the krell amp its self, I assure you that I am correct, there is no way a krell amp is going to work without a dedicated line!, The amp draws to much current!, LOL!, I tried that once with a krell fpb 200, you should have seen the bulbs in the house flicker and some blew, and guess what, the amp would shut off to stand by quickly!, how do you know the op has a 15 amp breaker now?, If he does, LOL!, thats a 15 amp breaker for a room or two rooms in the house, not a single receptical that his amp is plugged into!, regardless, I hope we can help the op here,I have 18 years of exsperience with krell amps!, The ONLY krell amp that I could ever run on standard house wireing receptical was a krell 300I intergrated amp, everything else had to have a dedicated line with a 20 amp breaker to work!, the op can use a 20 amp breaker for his krell ksa 200s and still work, His problem is he cannot share power to the amp with anything else!, cheers.
Audiolabyrinth, the 20amp supply is required when the amp is required to provide large amounts of current under load. The OP's problem is that he cannot even get the 200S to stay on at IDLE.

My former KSA 250 would operate with a 15amp circuit, although peak performance was obtained with use of a 20amp circuit.

If the OP amp was trying to draw too much current from the 15amp circuit, why does the 15amp circuit trip?

The best advice is to give Krell a call or try the amp with a dedicated 20amp circuit to satisfy Audiolabyrinth's concern.
Something isn't right with the amp. The 15 amp circuit breaker would trip first if their wasn't enough current to handle the amp. It isn't the circuit wiring. However, there may be a voltage sagging problem with the amp pluged into that particular wiring. if the wiring isn't adequate, at turn on, with too much amp draw, the voltage drop may be substantial enough to turn off the amp based on low voltage protection in the amp. So AudioLabrith may be correct to a point. It isn't the rating of the circuit breaker, but it may be the actual wiring itself. Take the amp to another place with a dedicated 20 amp ciruit (say the dealer where you bought it) and plug it into a 20 amp circuit with 10 gauge wiring and see if it stays on. No amp should trip off if speakers aren't connected.

12-10-13: Bifwynne
Prof. John, just a wild arsed speculation here, but is it possible the amp is tripping because it needs to be hooked up to the speakers. Maybe the open circuit is doing it. If not, it's time to call the factory.
Exactly my thought.

I had 3 Krell amps (KSA100s, FPB300 and FPB600) when living at my brother's condo. Even though it was new construction, there were no special wiring, outlets ... just basic construction grade 15 amp everything.

Using stock PCs, I never had problems with circuit breaker tripping or any power related issues. From my experience, 20 amp dedicated circuit is NOT a requirement for Krell amps to play at a moderate to loud level.