Where R U?????

All us regulars are familiar with the “Who R U” thread started by my buddy David. I met my first local audiophile friend last weekend, their aren’t many of us up here, and we have similar taste in music, and gear for that matter too! David is also ‘close’ to me(about 2-3 hour drive) other then that there is NO one, perhaps some of us are closer to each other then we realize. Of course some of us know where each other are, how ever there are many members I don’t know the location of. There are literally NO high fi dealers near me, so it is nice to see/hear a good system, set up by a fellow audiophile, my latest friend is so happy that he is not the only one in this area with this passion. So I am in the Albany, NY area, where are you folks from?
Actually when I was talking about the atmosphere
I meant literally. Went to Breckenridge and had to
have oxygen. However, I agree. We new englanders are
a tight assed bunch.
Actually, Kelly, I grew up aroud people who grew and ate the original NM green chile, smaller than the Anaheim green that is now used everywhere. So hot I couldnt even stand to be in the house when my mother was roasting it. The real hot NM green loses a little fire when it ripens to red. The only thing hotter that I have ever tasted is a Habanero.

Since you insisted on showing off, how do you do that ~ thing over the n?

Paul, aka Pablo
I'm from Cleveland,Ohio.Very close to Hopkins airport. I live in a little suburb called Brook Park, OH (44142) which is 10 miles south west (mostly south) of downtown Cleveland. I used to haunt Hi-Tech Hi-Fi on Mayfield Road, a local highend 2 channel stereo store until they closed. I'm looking to get to together with other audiophiles and discuss speaker/amp setups.

You can see my modest system here -

Feel free to email me, my linked account from A'gon is checked daily (usually). I look forward to hearing from audiophiles in the North East Ohio area!

FYI - I'm planning a pilgramage to Golden Gramophone in Fairlawn, OH, soon. I've never been there, but it has been highly recommended to me by fellow Audiogon member and Ohio resident 'Timperry.' I'm looking forward to hearing their JM Labs, Vandersteen, and Von Schweikert loudspeakers.


the secret to getting "non-standard" symbols like the tilde to show up on AudiogoÑ posts is to cut and paste from a word processing system. i'm a mac user, so i'm able to migrate among "windows" very quickly. almost everything i post, i then copy and paste to word or wordperfect to do a spell check; if anything needs changing, i delete the original in the thread and paste from the copied and corrected word processing version. if you want to use symbols like the tilde ~ or other stuff, like £ § ® © ™ ¥...., compose in the word processor with a "standard" font like geneva using your symbols insert keys.

i'd love to try some of your mom's or other family members' super-hot chilies. what i was referring to was the color of the "sauce." in denver the pork chili is always green (no tomato or tomatilla added).

Kelly-when do you find time to work let alone listen to your system? you have more posts then most everyone and go to extreme lengths to make sure they are accurate, very honorable. I don't have that much ambition with my posts, sorry ;) I am too damn tired to that most days.
~You know who wrote it ;)