Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K

I'm building a new system with an integrated amp at its heart. I'm considering Musical Fidelity M6i (200 wpc, $3,000), McIntosh MA5200 (100 wpc, $4500) or Bryston B135 SST2 (135 wpc, $5070 w/ remote).

Will be driving either Totem Element Fire (8 ohms, 88db SPL) or Joseph Audio Pulsar (8 ohms, 85db SPL), both 2-way stand mounts.

Small room (13' x 15', 9' ceiling).

Listening to mostly mainstream rock, R&B, dance/club. Occasional light jazz, Broadway, Sinatra and the like.

Would welcome input from those who've had experience with, or opinions about, any of these amps.

I've seen Pulsars demo'd with Hegel integrates a couple of times. Of the 3 you have listed I would chose Musical Fidelity over McIntosh over Bryston. Exception would be if you have desire to upgrade from there. If so McIntosh is first choice as easiest and highest resale.
for 3500, I have found the Ayre AX7e to be the best integrated I've heard as it's a great mix for tube guys (me) and SS guys. Tight, articulate bass and a huge sound stage and imaging. Also, the mids are sweet and believable. Don't go by the power rating either as they drive the Vandy Treo's (84db) in a midsize room.
I guess you have to cut it off somewhere but there are so many integrated amps out that worth considering. As mentioned the Ayre is a great one. I would also add the Krell s300-i, the Creek Destiny and the Simaudio i5.3. These are all top notch and I would think they could easily compete with any that you are considering. The Creek especially is a great buy at around 1000 used it is so much great sound for that price. It's not the most powerful but you are in a small room so power is probably hardly going to be an issue at all for you unless you really crank it way up.
i would recommend looking into Accuphase integrated amps - probably the best integrated amp - class A or AB
Be sure to include in your considerations some of the Cayin units. Great sound, great value. I have a few and have been well pleased.