tube buffers

tube buffers ,do they work,is the soundstage deeper,a smoother sound, or just wasting money and adding more cable, I have all solid state equipment? PS AUDIO PWD&PWT ,EMOTIVA PRE. XSP-1 AND WYRED4-SX1000 MON"S
I wanted to think a cheap ($250) tube buffer could help with the sound from digital stuff. I bought one and was disappointed.
I ran into a cheap (for me) tube preamp i bought to try as a 'glorified tube buffer. I bought a VAC Standard ($4K list, I paid $1,400) and it works great as a means to solve the problem of digital crap.
Now I am very happy with my digital gear as it all goes through my bigger than average tube buffer.
Or you could just buy a power amp like the Rogue Audio Medusa that couples a high-quality tube input stage to a Hypex output stage and get great smooth musical sound with low noise and high power while not having another box and more cables to deal with... The Medusa replaced the Wyred 4 Sound STI-500 in my system. I'm listening to it right now as I write this (Hugh Laurie's 2nd jazz album) and it's better than fantastic. Happy Holidays!
BACK AGAIN, has anyone heard or has the AUDIO HORIZONS 5.0 or their new 5.1 tube buffers ? cost between $900. to $1600. THATS ALOT OF CASH FOR SOMETHING THAT MIGHT NOT WORK????