Integrated Amplifier for FOCAL 807VW speakers

Hi to everyone
Which Integrated Amplifier would sound good with the Focal 807VW Speakers. Also, does Parasound Amplifiers have good
synergy with the Focal speakers.
Thanks and Happy New Year
You really need to listen for yourself. What type of music do you like? What else is in your system? Great components don't always work well together. I love my new Ayre integrated. Best one I've heard with many different speakers I've been auditioning. I've heard it with new Focals and it sounded like it always does, giving me SS with a touch of romance I love from my tube gear. Lot's of contenders. How much will you spend? Much more detail is needed, but we all like what we have purchased. Where do you live? You need to visit a local store to get an idea of how things sound together. JMHO
At 8 Ohms & 92 db sensitivity, the Focals your looking at are pretty efficient speakers and do not require a lot of power. So that really opens the field as far as what integrated - you have literally dozens to choose from. So to better answer your question, are you interested in SS or Tubes?

Also, you say you want an integrated but ask about Parasound. While they make very good SS amps, they do not offer an integrated. Power amps only.
Thanks for reply
I live in New York and unfortunately not too many HI FI
stores carry Focal speakers. So far i found only one but
it was hooked up to Simaudio 600i. Way too expensive for
me. My budget is $1500-$2000, so I am looking for an
Integrated amplifier 2 x 60 or 70Wats per channel since
the Focals are efficient speakers and I don't listen the music
too loud. To mention, I am listening jazz, smooth jazz.
I am only interested in SS Integrated Amplifiers. THANKS