Tung sol 6550 tube smell??

I bought new tung sol 6550 tubes for my audio research vs110. The original tubes for that amp were sventlana 6550 tubes that were great and i never noticed a smell from the amp. When i put in the tung sol reissues, i biased the amp at 55ma to save some tube life. When i had the sventlanas, they were at the recommended 65ma. So i dont know why i have a pretty strong burning smell comming from the tung sols. Is this because the tubes are new, or mabey they cant handle the bias? im very concerned, i hope my amp dont blow up or the tubes. Thanks, rob
What you smell is the silk screen printing on the glass envelope curing with the heat. It will go away with use.
The ink on the tubes smells a bit when first powered up. It goes away in a few hours.
What they said. Generally, if you look at the tube anode plates in a darkened room, they should not be glowing red, even slightly.