VSi60 Tube Amp Startup Power Needs

I have an ARC VSi60 integrated amp that is rated to use 350-500 watts of power to generate 50 watts RMS to the speakers. I'd like to purchase an online/double conversion UPS battery backup to isolate it from the rest of the house (puts out pure sine wave AC) because I noticed that when I was checking its bias voltage and the dryer kicked on, the bias voltage dropped by 5 VRMS. The dryer is on a different circuit entirely from the amp, but it's clear to me that when the AC, dryer, dishwasher, and garbage disposal run at the same time, with an oven thrown into the mix, there will be a much larger draw and this will not be good for the amp. I've also had trouble with the bias voltage drifting lately, and this was immediately after we had some power dips in our area (lights dimmed). Anyway, the UPS backup I'm planning to get is an Eaton EX1000, 900 watts. I talked with ARC tech support to find out peak power at startup for the VSi60 amp, and they don't know. The tech rep said it could very well exceed 900 watts when the caps are filling, but he doesn't know for sure. Does anyone have any experience using UPS's with their tube amps, and if so how much startup power do they need compared to their rated power? I would have thought that a 900 watts UPS would be sufficient for an amp rated at 350-500 watts (of input power). I also called Eaton's tech support and they said that their EX series UPS's can handle any startup power need without a problem, as long as it's within the rated 900 watts of the UPS. Alternatively, is there a way to measure startup power for the amp? Thanks. -Stuart
Your welcome Stu.

First off, Kal is the expert and he knows his gear backwards and forwards. So you should follow his advice. Second, I understand your question about separate circuits and ground wire issues, but I think a separate house circuit is proporational to your concerns.

Now, if with a separate dedicated circuit, you are still experiencing "brown-out" type problems when using other applicances, it may very well be that you need a larger electric service. That's a horse of another color.

As to whether you may be harming your amp with power surges and the like, unless Kal was concerned, who am I to say more. ARC gear is pretty robustly built stuff and holds up pretty well.

You mentioned that you see tube bias drift at different times. Yes, line voltage conditions will affect tube bias voltage readings. Utility companies often adjust line voltage in reponse to unusual weather conditions or customer power usage demands. Nothing you can do about that.

What is interesting is that the bias readings went in different directions in response to line voltage changes. That's definitely strange. The only thing that comes to mind is that you might be ready for a tube change. ARC recommends retubing the power tubes at 2000 hours. I think the VSi60 also uses (2) 6H30 driver tubes. ARC recommends switching these guys out at about 3500 to 4000 hours. If you are approaching or have exceeded those number of hours, you're do. DO NOT wait until a tube blows. It may take out a bias resister and that means a service call.

Btw, can the VSi60 take KT-120s? I don't recall if you mentioned anything about your tubes. If you're still using 6550s and you're ready for a retube, ask Kal about using KT-120s. They sound wonderful.

So unless Kal is concerned about the unusual pattern of your amp's bias voltage drift, I wouldn't be concerned either. As I said above, ARC gear is very robustly built. Other than replacing tubes and an occasional blown bias resister, it's pretty maintenance free. At least, that has been my experience and my whole system is ARC.

Regards and let us know how you make out.

OK. The high end audio store in Indianapolis swears by Kal too. And, if your experience is that their amps are robustly built, then I'll go with that. I'll run a separate outlet to the breaker, as Kal recommended. I've only had the amp for a few months and got it used from someone here on Audiogon who just had the tubes and bias resistor replaced at the factory (had receipt of work done). The amp uses KT-120's. Kal didn't have an answer for the drifting in two different directions, but he said to keep an eye on it and call if it happened again. I should probably back up another step here. The entire reason I even checked bias voltage in the first place and found the drift was that the right channel volume was very low after I had made adjustments to the speaker wires and reattached them. I loosened a spade connector behind the amp and the right channel came back. This was after I had switched speakers, switched inputs, and switched interconnects to eliminate all the other possibilities. I've been able to repeat the issue when I tighten that connector too tight, so now I just keep it tight enough and not too snug. The post doesn't move like its loose or anything. Anyway, this is an issue that may or may not have affected bias. At this point, I'm going to reconnect the amp and let it do its thing. If an issue makes itself known, I'll make sure it's repeatable, call Kal, send it in if for repair. I just love how this amp sounds. It really rocks my ML's.
If you want a tech to check out your VSi60, ask Kal if there's a local ARC authorized tech close to your home. He might come to you for a small fee, or at the least, you can ship the amp to him and hope for a quicker turn-a-round. For the rare occasion when I needed to replace a burned bias resister, a local ARC authorized tech came to my house and one ... two ... six, was in and out -- all in about 40 minutes, of which 15 minutes he and I schmoozed about stereo.

My gut instinct tells me that whatever the cause is of your amp's bias anomoly, it's not a big deal. Maybe an intermittent resister or tube related issue, maybe another passive in the circuit. I doubt the cause relates to the power transformer because it would likely affect all the tubes.

One other thought. Perhaps Kal suggested this, but if not, try switching around the tubes. If the anomoly moves, it's likely the tube. If not, it's somnething else. And that all assumes that the anomoly is even replicable.