Coincident vs Lamm

I currently own the Coincident, Frankenstein, 300b monoblock amps. In my system, they are by far the best I have ever heard and I've heard quite a few. I think once you live with a set amp of this caliber, you won't go back.
A friend has offered to sell me his Lamm 2.2 set amps at a really great price but I'd probably have to sell the Franks to do the deal. I have not heard the Lamm set amps so I really don't know how they compare. Does anyone here have experience with these amps?
Just borrow the Lamms from your friend, it will take all of 30 seconds for you to get blown away! One caveat use their stock cords and don't use audiophile fuses, footers or tweaks.

disclaimer, Lamm dealer of 16 years.
I agree, if possible try the Lamm SET in your system and listen. The Lamm
is 6x the cost retail of the Frankenstein and has more power. As you already
know personally the Franks are superb but many people feel the same
about the Lamm as well. You'd expect the Lamm to be superior(35K
amplifier) and everyone has opinions on what would be the better amplifier

. You have an actual opportunity to judge for yourself in your own system ,
opinions of others aren't nearly as valuable. Either way you choose you'll
have a first class SET amplifier. These amps are certainly different in design
approach and circuit, output tube etc. Lamm could likely have more bass
and drive and the Franks possibly more nuance and transparency, just a
guess. I have much respect for both of these companies.
Best Regards,
Since your mentioned SET, I assume we are talking about the ML2.2, not the M2.2.

I like the ML2.2 a lot, and it is a very excellent sounding amplifier. I do however, find it way over priced, therefore, it would need to be a "VERY" good deal for me to consider a move.