Coincident Statement RC Preamp

I noticed at Coincident's website they have a remote control version of the Statement Preamp.

They say there is a sonic compromise compared to the non rc Statement .

Has anyone listened to it ?

Has anyone listened to both ?

I have Total Victory IV speakers and Frank's 330b amps .
I will update my current preamp ( Supratek Cortese )within 6 months and Coincident products have never disappointed me.

Any input is appreciated.


Charles and Brownsfan,

I am confident you will love the WE 1:1 replicas but you must reserve judgement for a couple of days of run in!
Hi Bill,

Both myself and a friend recently upgraded to Coincident Statement Line Stages from Supratek Cabernet Duals. I guess I was initially attracted to the CSLS because it used 101D's which are quite neutral and open sounding tubes. The CSLS is quite a step up from the Cabernet and Cortese which I am also familiar with.
The Supratek was a good preamp in its day but the Coincident is a bold, innovative new design that has pushed the benchmark far higher IMO. It's transparency has to be heard to be appreciated and I can tell you that the reviews are accurate. It's speed and dynamics were a pleasant surprise for me and it keeps up with the best SS preamps in that regard. It is therefore ideal for use with SS or Tube power amps.
The CSLS is ahead of the Supratek in several areas and if you like, I could pass on more detailed comparisons via email.
Regarding inputs, the Coincident effectively has 3 if you count the balanced input and 2 unbalanced. Simply flick a switch to change from balanced to RCA inputs. I assume it will be the same on the RC model but best check first.

Finally, the CSLS is quite neutral in terms of tonal balance although it does add a touch of warmth, SS amps for example will generally sound more organic and open with the CSLS, but it won't add the syrupy sweetness that some tube preamps might.
Thank You Pap for the encouraging info.
I didn't realize I could use a balance connection with the flick of a switch.
As much as I like coincident products , I don't think I'll get their phono stage , too expensive .

I will make certain that my phono stage has a balance connection.

I am reading very good things about Zesto, Thank you Charles.

Now to sell items , I enjoy buying more than selling.
