Passive Preamp Recommendations?

I'm looking for a passive preamp to experiment with.

I currently have a McIntosh C2200 which I love but heard a Placette passive at RMAF a few years ago paired with a
Mc 252 power amp which I have and the sound was mesmerizing.

I'd like something used but used Placettes are hard to find.
I'm considering a local design - Fletcher-Harris Dimuendo -for $600. which is reasonable but would like suggestions on other possibilities.
How about a used McCormack TLC-1 or TLC-1 Deluxe preamp? I'm surprised McCormack or Mod Squad passive preamps have not been mentioned. Very good quality build and re-sale value, if bought used, is retained.
I agree with Tim, I feel a buffer is the best of both worlds
I had a lot of pre's, once I went with the Dodd buffer it was
a good change. Now have a Wyred 4S STP/SE is a buffer and also has gain (which I never need), wanted to try balanced connections and it is another improvement
Re the McCormack TLC-1, I had one for years and while the sound was very good, the sound did not compare with the sound form a Reference Line Preeminence One that I later bought. I suppose that's why Steve McCormack introduced the Deluxe version (which I haven't heard but which I assume is better.)
If you go passive, and AS LONG AS NUMBERS JIVE (in/out impedances, voltage sensitivities, interconnect length/capacitance,etc).....Lightspeed.