Pre-amp or cd direct to XA30.5 ?

I'm new to this, and this is my first forum.. so here goes. I have an old set of Tannoy D700's and have purchased a Pass Labs XA30.5 amp. I'm questioning
if I must adhere to traditional pre-amp (probably X2.5 or X1 2nd hand), or can I go direct from cd player with say digital inputs and volume control (say modwright oppo 105) or wadia? Any thoughts.. My reason for against pre amp is simply don't need that many inputs. Ideas pls.. and tks for any advise ..
"02-20-14: Fsyme
advantages / disadvantages?"

You have to take it on a case by case basis. You can get great sound wither way. I used my Wadia's on Pass amps and was very happy with the results.

Also, I got together with a few friends and we tried to see if we could hear any loss in SQ at lower volumes. None of us could hear any difference at all. Wadia was the only brand we tried. Don't know if it will be true for all brands. One imporent thing to note is that Wadia players have different global gain settings that you can change using DIP switches. That way you can keep the volume as close to 99 as you can with just about any other components.
I had Mark Levinson No.39 a while back same setup, that's why Wadia did this also, so you could run it near full digital volume with the analogue gain selection so there was no risk of "bit Striping".
But to be honest the difference between full 16bit resolution and 14bit is not that huge, 14bit just sounds a little softened around the edges, which as I said is probably a good thing for dinner parties, or lift music.

Cheers George
This has been discussed quite a bit on the forums. Use the search function on the forums. Type in "direct to amp" (without the quotes) and that will come up with several discussions. You might try to search "no preamp" also.
I did some reading online and looks like my XA30.5 has max voltage at 0.77V. Wadia can set to 0.5V or 1.1V. To achieve max performance, better setting the wadia to .5v for 100% vs 1.1v?