Itunes ?

I have a mac mini that has leopard OS. I downloaded the newest 10.5.2 itunes today. All my music was on an external hard drive. Now it doesn't allow me use that HD. When i try to change the library folder location the HD doesn't show up. Did i screw up by downloading this version? Where do i go from here? Thanks.

that sucks

I assume you can see that drive otherwise?

You could restore a time machine backup from before you updated.

You could load an older version of iTunes but the new version may have altered your library so it won't work with older versions. You can always just reload the library but you'll lose some stuff like playlists.

Only other thing I can think of is contact Apple support.

Coming down to see Glen Campbell at the Ryman January 3rd. I have a couple of extra tickets for sale if you would like to join us.

Take care,
Does your external HD show up in the Finder, when you do command-N and open a Finder window for example? It should do this, as long as your Finder preferences are set to let external discs show up in the sidebar. If not, you can reset the Finder prefs to do it.

Once your external HD shows up in the Finder, it really should also show up in the iTunes "Choose iTunes Library" dialog. That's the one you get when you hold down the Option (Alt) key as you open iTunes.

I suppose you've tried this already, have you?
Hi Herman,

Thanks for the help. Will try some of those when i get a chance. Computer audio is great when it's running smoothly!

Thanks for the invite to the show. Glen isn't really my cup of Tea. Do stop by if you get a chance. Good to hear from you.
